I heard about TDD a few years ago but I only appreciated its value after reading some of Robert Martin's blog posts in the past few weeks (and also after having experienced writing post-development unit tests at work).
So today I decided to start doing katas for TDD...
This is my first TDD Kata: https://github.com/jboyflaga2/ProgrammingExercises-CSharp/tree/master/TDDKatas/StringCalculator
There are some things in the specs that I did not include in the implementation. I will just do them next time (really?!).
I found the "specs" for this kata in "Learning Test Driven Development with TDD Katas" by Gaurav Kumar Arora. (But the original author of this kata is Roy Osherove)
This is written in C#.
I used Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition to create a .NET Core project for this kata.
I first planned to use just the Visual Studio Code text editor for this but I was having an error with restoring xUnit. The error was "The dependency xunit.abstractions 2.0.0 does not support framework dnxcore".
I hope this error will be fixed soon.
Let's all learn TDD!!! Happy coding!